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Klimatas-Creating an Investment Platform That Will Help in the Accomplishment of the Sustainable Development Goals

Last Updated April 9, 2023 4:37 AM
Press Release
Last Updated April 9, 2023 4:37 AM

Scientists over the years have tried to find another planet which could be fully inhabited by humans but to no avail. This shows how our planet Earth should be of a high priority to us and also should be one of our top most priorities to ensure that this planet is maintained to sustain us into the future. The world has seen so many changes over the centuries through the use of scientific knowledge and technological advancements. Day in and day out, our scientists are exploring new ways to make life better and safer for human beings. Think about the days where people had to travel for long distances just to deliver a message and not to even think of the hard work which we used to do yet our production was very low. Currently, with the use of machines and improved communication channels, the world has turned into a global village and production with the use of machines are higher as compared to manual efforts.

However, some of the invention, discoveries and breakthroughs of science and technology have brought about havoc to our precious planet over the years and this is really disrupting so many cycles already. The high industrialization of the world has increased the burning of fossil fuels for the production of huge amount of energy. The various activities of mankind have contributed to the release of harmful gases into our atmosphere and this is already destroying some protective layers of the Earth.

In addition to this, among the 295 countries in the world, there are only a few developed countries with majority of the countries still within developing and under-developed states. These countries are faced with a whole lot of challenges which makes life very unbearable and uncomfortable. For example, Africa is one of the poorest continents in the world and it is faced with high level of poverty and also most inhabitants are living on incomes which is not enough to provide for some of the basic things necessary to life.

Negative effects of Industrialization on our world

So many countries are currently experiencing signs of climate changes and Pakistan  is among the few countries that are currently undergoing serious climate changes. The release of huge amount of harmful gases into the atmosphere brings about the depletion of the Ozone layer  which further brings about the rise in global warming. These high temperatures have also brought about severe bush fires which have caused so many lives and properties to be lost.


Scientists have discovered that, permafrost in some countries have started melting  and permafrost are believed to contain tons of carbon dioxides that the world has never been exposed to. Draw a simple analysis between the effects of current carbon deposits being released and the excessive amount stored within the permafrost around the world. We can only imagine such pain and discomfort as we would not be able to live to actually experience it.

Not only are humans but animals also face threats as a result of these recent harsh climate changes. There have been reports of several animals going extinct due to the change in climate which are not favorable for their copulation and survival. If care is not taken the earth would lose some of its precious members who all contribute in one way or another to make life very pleasant.

Are there plans to solve this situation?

Yes, the United Nations through its activities has laid down plans to help improve global conditions. This vision was first expressed through the 8 Millenium Development Goals (MDGs)  which was signed in September 2000 to help reduce poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation and discrimination. Along the line, 17 Sustainable Development Goals  were set to help improve upon the developments and achievements of the MDGs. The essence of partnership can never be downplayed in any achievement hence the last SDG was “Partnership for the Goals”.

Klimatas takes the opportunity of this window of partnership in helping to achieve the sustainable goals by creating an investment platform which members can invest into various projects geared towards achieving the SDGs.

an illustration of a green city with windmills and solar panels

What are some of the Projects available for Investors?

One of the notable goals within the SDGs is to make available Clean and Affordable Energy Supply to the world. Reference to all the harmful effects that have been stated above with respect to how burning fossil fuels to produce energy has on the earth, one of the SDGs is to Provide a Clean and Affordable Energy supply. In view of this, Klimatas through its able research team has identified solar energy to be one of the powerful yet cheap sources of energy that could be tapped into. Klimatas aims to develop large solar panels and farms that would help in making solar energy available for institutions, industries, individuals at an affordable fee.

Francis Bacon once said “knowledge itself is Power”  and in view of this Klimatas also provides an Educational programme that would help improve the quality of education that are offered to children basically and the general public. To achieve this globally, Klimatas extends this educational package on an online study platform where everybody can have access to information with ease. Information regarding SDGs and other relevant materials shall be made available on this study platform.

The printing industry is also one of the oldest and lucrative industry in the world due to the high demand of printing materials and products. Taking the printing industry to the next level, is the making available printed images and artefacts in 3-D dimension. This initiative by Klimatas would allow users to print images in an enhanced form and would also be made available to our health facilities to assist in healthcare procedures, hence contributing to the quality of healthcare services that are rendered to people.

a house with a solar panel on top of it

How to become an Investor

Klimatas has a very flexible terms in becoming an investor on its platform. Cryptocurrency enthusiasts who wish to invest with Klimatas need to purchase any amount of KTS and choose a project which he/she wants to invest into. Members would be given a preview about all the projects to better inform them to choose an investment plan which he/she finds suitable. Investors who run masternode with KTS would stand the chance of earning extra KTS coins which they can reinvest into other projects to increase their overall return on investment.

Exchanges where you can purchase Klimatas Coin (KTS)

The team of Klimatas is making KTS Coin accessible to the entire cryptocurrency and blockchain space by listing on Midex Exchange  on the 22nd of February, 2019 at exactly 12:00 UTC. Be among the first buyers of KTS Coin before it starts rocketing. KTS will also be listed on Crex24  and even Crpytoflow  to allow users who wish to purchase KTS Coins do so with fiat currencies. All these numerous exchange listings are geared towards promoting Klimatas project to every corner of the cryptocurrency space, hence increasing the value of KTS.


Join Klimatas in its wide range of Investment Plans and help in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in order to preserve this planet for future generations. Simply run a masternode on Klimatas platform and earn from both masternode rewards and profits from your chosen investment package.

For more information please visit the official and social media platforms

Website: https://www.klimatas.com/ 

Whitepaper: https://www.klimatas.com/whitepaper/ 

Telegram: https://t.me/klimatas 

Discord: https://discord.gg/JMRy3gF 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/KlimatasCrypto 

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