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Kik Fortifies War Chest to Battle SEC Lawsuit Over $100 Million ICO

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Samantha Chang
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By CCN.com: Canadian mobile-messaging company Kik is preparing to fight the SEC tooth-and-nail when the agency sues the firm over its $100 million ICO.

Many companies settle to avoid a protracted and expensive legal war. However, Kik says the best way to force the Securities and Exchange Commission to issue regulatory clarity is through a full-scale court battle. So that’s what it’s doing.

SEC sues kik lawsuit

Facebook Also Launches Preemptive Strikes

Kik’s proactive defensive maneuver mirrors the tactic that Facebook is employing. The social media monopoly is preparing to clear potential regulatory hurdles before it launches its own cryptocurrency.

To this end, Facebook is lobbying and pandering to regulators around the world to grease the wheels ahead of its token roll-out, the Information  reported.

“Facebook executives are already busy courting regulators in the various countries where they plan to launch the token. The process could take a while — selling officials on the idea of a single global currency issued by a private company probably won’t be easy.”

Kik: We Won’t Be Bulled by the SEC

Kik told CCN.com that the outcome of the SEC’s lawsuit against it could have major implications for the future of cryptocurrencies in the United States. And that’s why it wants to face off against the SEC in court instead of rolling over.

“We believe that any enforcement action against Kik, Kin, and the Foundation would be detrimental to the entire cryptocurrency industry.”

‘Defend Crypto’ Fund Gets $4.9 Million in Donations

The SEC filed a lawsuit  against Kik and its affiliated foundation, the Kin Foundation, over the $100 million ICO Kik launched in 2017.

To prepare, Ted Livingston — the founder of Kin and the CEO of Kik — is trying to raise money through a legal-defense fund called Defend Crypto.

The Kin Foundation seeded the fund with $5 million and is soliciting donations. The crypto industry kicked in with $4.9 million in contributions.

Kik defend crypto donations bitcoin
KIK has received $4.9 million in donations to go to war against the SEC. | Source: DefendCrypto

Token Taxonomy Act Languishes in Limbo

In court, Kik will argue that its Kin token is not a security, and therefore, should not be regulated by the SEC. The legal quagmire erupted in December 2018, when U.S. Congressmen Warren Davidson and Darren Soto introduced the Token Taxonomy Act. They then re-introduced it in April 2019, where it now languishes in legislative limbo.

As CCN.com reported, the Token Taxonomy Act would amend the Securities Exchange Act to specifically exclude cryptocurrencies from securities laws.

“This bipartisan legislation draws a bright line for businesses and regulators by defining a ‘digital token,’ and clarifies that securities laws do not apply to companies that use blockchain once they reach their goal of becoming a functional network.”

US Lawmakers Urge ‘Light-Touch’ Regulation

Congressmen Davidson and Soto said the “light-touch” legislation would provide much-needed regulatory clarity about whether cryptocurrencies are securities that should be regulated by the SEC.

In addition, the lawmakers argue that the Token Taxonomy Act would ensure that the United States remains competitive in the budding industry by not strangling it with unnecessarily cumbersome regulations.

“Virtual currencies and the underlying blockchain technology has a profound potential to be a driver of economic growth. That’s why we must ensure that the United States is at the forefront.”

Mark Cuban Battled SEC in Court and Won

The SEC has been under fire for not offering more regulatory clarity to the crypto industry, even as it launches harsh enforcement actions.

The SEC’s sneaky tactics are not a surprise to billionaire Mark Cuban, who trashed the agency as “useless” bureaucrats who file frivolous lawsuits against investors to justify their worthless existence.

“I’m obviously not a fan of the SEC,” Cuban told CCN.com. “I think they prefer regulation through litigation and that creates problems for everyday investors.”

After the SEC sued Cuban in 2008 for alleged insider trading, he fought them in court for five years. In 2013, Mark Cuban was vindicated when a jury acquitted him of all charges.

Cuban spent more money defending himself against the SEC lawsuit than the fine he could’ve easily paid to end it.  Why? Because he says the SEC are bullies, and you should never back down to a bully when they’re wrong. “You take all these years of my life — it’s personal,” he said.

Samantha Chang

Samantha Chang is a New York City-based financial editor who writes about crypto and business at CCN. She is a law school grad and an alum of the University of Pennsylvania. You can reach her on Twitter at Samantha Chang  or email her at [email protected].
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