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Kanye West Is Running For President – Here Are His Top Five Running Mates

Last Updated September 23, 2020 2:02 PM
Aaron Weaver
Last Updated September 23, 2020 2:02 PM
  • Kanye West just announced on Twitter that he’s running for president in 2020.
  • Twitter, like the rest of America, is in a state of shock.
  • If he does move forward with his plans, he’ll need a good sidekick. Who fits the bill?

That is not a typo, Kanye West thinks he should run the country.

He announced his presidential bid on Twitter and Twitter collectively rolled its eyes.

Kanye West
Some people trust God, but few people trust Kanye West. | Source: Twitter 

But if Kanye West is serious, then he will need a team. And most importantly, he’ll need a vice president.

Here are his top options.

Kanye West’s Top Five Options For Vice President in 2020

Kim Kardashian

Of course, he has to pick his wife. And why not? She has social media locked down. Although she’s done a terrible job keeping her hubby in check up to this point, maybe a more official title can shift the tide.

The Kardashians are, sadly, the closest thing to American royalty. She would also be the first vice president/first lady in history. And they’re both billionaires now, so they couldn’t be swayed by money. It’s 2020. Why not?

kim kardashian, kanye west billionaire
Should we let these two make the laws? | Source: REUTERS/Danny Moloshok


This move would make too much sense, so it would never work. Jay-Z has the brains and the savvy to actually make a real run at the presidency.

If he were vice president, he could be the Dick Cheney to Kanye West’s George W. Bush and pull the strings behind the scenes.

Taylor Swift

Sure, they had their squabbles in the past. But Kayne will need someone to help him get the votes from all the people that hate him.

He, arguably, hasn’t collected more haters in one moment than when he rushed Taylor Swift off of the stage at the 2009 VMAs. This is excellent politics.

North West

I know what you’re thinking. Family members can’t run together. But let’s be honest, reality TV show stars “can’t” become president, but they have.

We are living in the Singularity, ladies, and gentlemen. There are no rules. She’s seven years old, so she already has a leg up on her father in emotional development. This could be good.

Kanye West

Let’s be real. If Kanye West is running for president, there’s no one he’d rather choose than himself. Based off of his opinions on slavery  and his sudden alliance with Black Lives Matter, he clearly has two personalities.

Kanye West
Who loves Kanye more than Kanye? | Source: The Title Mag 

Maybe Kanye West the Liberal and run alongside Kanye West the Confederate. This is a match made in heaven.

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