Home / Markets News & Opinions / The HeartBout Social Network with a Unique Decentralized Reward System Completes the First Stage of the Pre-ICO

The HeartBout Social Network with a Unique Decentralized Reward System Completes the First Stage of the Pre-ICO

Last Updated May 13, 2023 6:50 AM
Guest Writer
Last Updated May 13, 2023 6:50 AM
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The production and consumption of information is a part of everyone’s life. Social networks today can be attributed to the most popular sources of information disseminating and receiving. The number of social network users is growing every day. So, according to the data of We Are Social agency, the number of users of social networks in 2017 increased by 21% compared to 2016 and amounted to 2.8 billion people or 74% of Internet users around the world. This figure is impressive!

In recent years there has been growth in spending on mobile native advertising around the world. This is explainable by the fact that in addition to continued audience growth of social networks there is an increase in time which user spend every day in social networks. All this turns the social network into the large-scale advertising platform, where any of the advertisers can unobtrusively advertise their product or service to users. What should the project of a new social network do to compete and surpass the already existing giants in this field? This question was asked by the founders of the HeartBout project, and created a unique social network with a decentralized reward system of users’ activity, based on the advertising standard. So today there is no exact analogue of such social network on the market, what makes it unique in its kind! All this will increase the involvement of users and stimulates them to spend more time in the HeartBout than in classical social networks.

The idea of the developers and the economy of the HeartBout reward system

The purpose for which the HeartBout social network  was designed is the conversion of time spent by the user in the social network into earnings for him by making a profit for his activity in the form of an HBC token. The reward is received both by the content authors and by the voters. The idea of the HeartBout’s creators is that this social network and its incentive system will work with HBC cryptocurrency, which economy is described by a certain “advertising standard”: 100 HBC = DAU * U, within which DAU – is the number of unique users that have visited the application during 24 hours, and U – advertising exposure. This standard guarantees, upon the HBC token holder’s request, its exchange to the relevant amount of the advertising exposures in the HeartBout social network in accordance with the established exchange rate. Thus, the HBC token exists within the platform to encourage the activity of HeartBout users. At the same time, the HBC token is directly tied to the advertising opportunities of the HeartBout social network, and allows to pay for advertising in within the platform at the price set in accordance with the above formula. From this formula it’s possible to conclude that the cost of the HBC token directly depends on the number of unique users of the social network. That is, the success of the social network, consisting in the constant growth of its unique users, will lead to an increase in the cost of the HBC token.


Summarizing all of the above, it is worth noting that everything in the HeartBout social network is interconnected. Each of its users independently creates their own earnings, making the whole system more capitalized, because any of the unique users of the social network affects the advertising coverage, increasing it, thereby increasing the cost of HBC. Thus, the further development of this social network directly depends on each individual user of the HeartBout: entering the social network and showing activity, the user does not just receive reward in the form of HBC tokens, but contributes to the system!

A unique functionality of the HeartBout

But not only the decentralized reward system distinguishes the HeartBout from existing social networks. Firstly, the social network is universal, because the design and functionality of HeartBout was developed taking into account representatives of various social categories. Secondly, the usual “likes” are replaced here with “hot hearts”. In addition, there are “dislikes” in the form of “cold hearts”, which also affect the user’s reward. In addition, publications in the HeartBout can be carried out not only in the form of photographs, but also in video format without any restrictions and links to video content from popular online resources such as Youtube. It is important to note that in the HeartBout is available a special functional, inherent only to this social network. For example, it is possible for a user to create categories by interest to sort the content. Within the HeartBout social network, there is a unique function called “Challenge”, which provides the opportunity to compare two publications between users in a format of a battle, according to which the winner takes his money and the opponent’s rate. Thus, you can earn not only on publications and comments, but also within the “Challenge” – in a certain competition form, which is an interesting solution for users.

The HeartBout platform will allow its users to create publications and their own categories, communicate, vote, compete, and at the same time earn! For the user’s convenience both the web version and the application will be available, for launching and further development of which the HeartBout collects funds through the ICO mechanism. However, the beta version of the product is already being tested, the interface of which is presented on the official website of the project.

Ongoing preliminary sale of HBC tokens

At the moment, the first stage of the pre-sale of HBC tokens is taking place, which will be completed by December 31, 2017. Within this stage, users are offered the largest bonus for purchasing HBC in a discount format of 35% of the token’s price, which is 1 HBC = $ 0.051. Further, in the second stage of the pre-sale, which will last from January 30 to February 28, 2018, the bonus will be already 20%. However, during this pre-ICO stage, 9 189 125 HBC will be available for sale, which is significantly more than at the first stage (1 028 154 HBC). Next, the sale of tokens starts within the ICO, also in two stages. Bonuses will correspondingly become smaller on each of them and will amount to: 15% of the token’s price in the first stage of the ICO (April 1 to April 30, 2018), and 10% of the HBC price in the second stage of the ICO (June 10 to June 30, 2018). The number of tokens offered for sale on the ICO will grow several times as compared to the pre-ICO: 15 724 706 HBC will be available at the first stage of the ICO, and 24 058 800 HBC – at the second stage. Totally, within the HeartBout’s tokensale the project plans to attract 6442 ETH. The HeartBout creators predict a token price increase from $0.051 (sale price within ICO) to $5.1 (by 10,000%) already after 7 months from the HeartBout platform’s launch due to the projected growth of social network audience, much cheaper advertising cost compared to competitors and due to the limited emission of HBC tokens. Thus, by providing significant bonuses at each stage, the founders of the project stimulate the participants of HeartBout ICO to buy HBC tokens on the most favorable terms , which can then be actively used within the social network or sold with great profit on the cryptocurrency exchanges.

Find out more about the social network of the new generation, about its passing pre-ICO and HBC tokens you can on the HeartBout official website , where the Whitepaper  is represented, as well as on the pages of the project in all popular social networks.