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Is God of War Director Teasing a New PS5 Sci-Fi Game?

Thomas Bardwell
  • God of War director Cory Barlog has switched up his Twitter account with some distinctly sci-fi visuals.
  • The change has fans speculating whether it’s a tease for an unannounced sci-fi game from Santa Monica Studios.
  • Barlog teased something similar late last year.

A visual revamp to God of War creative director Cory Barlog’s Twitter account  has prompted fans to speculate whether he’s teasing a new sci-fi-themed game .

A quick jaunt over to the Santa Monica Studio creative director’s Twitter account reveals an artist’s impression of NASA’s Voyager 2 spacecraft as the profile picture, and what appears to be the hyper-sleep chambers from James Cameron’s 1986 Alien as a banner. The account description now shows ten full stops and nothing else.

God of War
A new sci-fi IP being teased? | Source: Twitter 

It isn’t the first time Barlog switches up his Twitter account for a distinctly deep space sci-fi theme. In November last year, a similar image of Voyager 2 and a picture captured by the Hubble Telescope found their way onto the creative director’s profile. Accompanying them was a cryptic twitter featuring Morse code, that, when decoded, reads as ’55HSIE.’

Both instances are little too similar to pass off as coincidental, and Barlog is no stranger to slyly teasing upcoming projects, notably the newly-announced God of War sequel.

Year-Old God of War Tease

It turns out Barlog hinted at the game’s existence way back in a Twitter thread  from later 2019 that reminisced about 2018’s God of War’s development. Picking out the first letter from each tweet spells out, ‘Ragnarok is Coming,’ matching the tag line from the untitled God of War sequel announced at last month’s PlayStation showcase.

Closer to the PlayStation tease, Barlog swapped out his profile picture for some pale blue ice, directly referencing the sequel’s theme.

While we’d warn against reading into all this too much, it’s certainly intriguing. Santa Monica Studio canceled an Avatar-esque sci-themed game  back in 2014. Could Barlog be teasing a revival of the project?