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Facebook CEO’s Sleep Box Ignites Savage Zuckerberg Laugh-Fest

Last Updated June 14, 2024 8:52 AM
Stephen Samuels
Last Updated June 14, 2024 8:52 AM

By CCN.com: Have you heard about Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s newest invention? It’s a box covering up a light to keep you from watching the clock when you should be falling asleep.

Facebook Founder: Being a Mom is Hard. Here’s a Glowing Box to Show I Care.

He built the contraption, called the “sleep box,” to help his wife sleep through the night. His eureka moment came when he concluded that being a mom is hard.

This thoughtful invention was to show his wife he cares – at least enough to build her a glowing wooden box.


But here’s the thing, and the catch. The Facebook CEO shared his invention on his Instagram , apparently thinking that an entrepreneur could turn it into the hottest-selling childcare item since the velcro swaddle.

“A bunch of my friends have told me they’d want something like this, so I’m putting this out there in case another entrepreneur wants to run with this and build sleep boxes for more people!”

According to Zuckerberg, the device works like a charm, in that it saves his wife from having to check the clock – or her smartphone.

And since it doesn’t show the time, if she wakes up in the middle of the night, she knows to just go back to sleep without having to worry about what time it is.

She KNOWS to just go back to sleep! Hilarious.

Twitter Roasts Mark Zuckerberg’s Sleep Box

On its face, this sleep box seems to be a way over-the-top solution to a problem. I’ve wrestled with sleep with an alarm clock in the bedroom. I covered it up, and then eventually got it out of there.

I didn’t have to share my solution on Instagram. I didn’t pass it off as an invention other entrepreneurs worth their salts could consider pursuing. My friends would laugh heartily in my face!

But we’re talking about Zuckerberg here, and the Twitter-verse quickly called him out for sharing the device as if it was some great leap forward in human ingenuity.



Others poked fun related to Facebook’s previous hacking issues.

Altogether, the Mark Zuckerberg roast proved virtually as hilarious as the device itself.

No matter the reason Zuckerberg chose to share his sleep box, it’s getting the buzz that the social media giant founder enjoys. It sure beats the heck out of making headlines for another privacy breach!