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Ellen DeGeneres Posts Tone-Deaf Tweet, Proving She’s Really Awful

Last Updated September 23, 2020 1:59 PM
Bernadette Giacomazzo
Last Updated September 23, 2020 1:59 PM
  • Ellen DeGeneres sent a tweet in which she refused to acknowledge black people, calling them “people of color.”
  • Many black activists and celebrities called her out for her tone-deafness.
  • Can we cancel Ellen already? Please?

Ellen DeGeneres needs to be canceled.

The talk show host, desperate to insert herself into the Black Lives Matter conversation currently dominating the headlines, sent out a tweet in which she erased the “Black Lives” part of the Black Lives Matter movement.

Naturally, it didn’t take long for activists—both black and white—to call her out.

But her continued tone-deaf behavior proves she needs to be canceled already.

Ellen DeGeneres Can’t Seem To Say ‘Black’

No one—absolutely no one—asked for Ellen DeGeneres’ input on the racial injustice currently plaguing America.

But she still had to insert herself into the conversation with this tone-deaf tweet.

Ellen DeGeneres
The phrase you’re looking for is “Black people,” Ellen DeGeneres. | Source: Twitter 

It only took a few minutes, thankfully, for various activists, educators, and celebrities to gather her together.

Ellen DeGeneres
Beth McColl is not here for Ellen’s nonsense. | Source: Twitter 
Ellen DeGeneres
Lacey Vorransi-Banis clarifies why it’s important to say #BlackLivesMatter. | Source: Twitter 
Ellen DeGeneres
And Dr. JonPaul Higgins sums it up perfectly. | Source: Twitter 

Black Lives Matter. Period.

It’s important to note, in these times, how tone-deaf Ellen DeGeneres really is when she refuses to say “Black Lives Matter.”

There have been several examples of counter-protestors who cite “All Lives Matter ” as an excuse to murder black protestors.

But then again, we’ve long ago established that Ellen’s “nice” persona is really just that: a persona. Her attempts to look “nice” after her bad behavior was exposed have fallen flat. And honestly? It’s for good reason.

People fake being nice all the time, but they never fake being mean. It would behoove the Ellen DeGeneres defenders to remember this the next time they try to “defend her honor.” And her well-deserved canceling, at this point, is long overdue.

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