Slovak startup Hilbi follows latest trends in healthcare and health management by implementing a tailored solution based on artificial intelligence. It is hosted by a fully decentralized and transparent environment – its own blockchain.
The startup was officially introduced at the international conference Future of Health Summit 2019 in Bratislava – the largest and most interactive European meeting for industry professionals focusing on innovations which disrupt the industry. Hilbi has belonged among the most discussed and welcomed startup projects due to its ambitious program combining state-of-the-art information technologies to meet the demands of the health market and challenges that modern era brings. As its founder and CEO, Ladislav Pasztor, MD, MSc. puts it, “The European health system is undergoing fundamental changes. We are witnessing the decrease of physicians, while the population in Europe is aging and the demand for information is rising, especially from the younger segment. More and more young people are affected by chronic diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. All these facts contribute to the change in the medicine paradigm. Hilbi is our response to the demand for qualified medical advice on a global scale instead of a misleading mass of deniable ‘information’.”
Hilbi in not only an instrument for collecting data related to healthcare, processing and verifying it, but it also strives for improving the healthcare management by saving the time of physicians as well as of patients. It will process big data provided by authorized data providers as well as by patients through different data sets consisting of medical records, genomic and environmental data collected by patients through gadgets and various health and environmental trackers like smart watches or smartphones.
The basic innovation through which Hilbi addresses potential clients is a ramified ecosystem which includes physicians and their patients, but also pharma and insurance companies, data providers, government regulators or hospitals. The new business model incentivizes all Hilbi participants and brings tokenized economy where each participant has the opportunity to gain a certain economic benefit from it depending on the size of shared data.
Hilbi’s AI learns via a chat platform between patients and their doctors or between participants chatting on community platforms which are focused on healthcare as such. AI compares knowledge with other health data of different origin. However, all data at its output are verified and evaluated by doctors making a diagnosis. “Nowadays, we share various data from different sources, such as smartwatches. When we get sick, however, we do not trust these technologies and see the doctor instead. But it can all be different,” commented Emmanuel Fombu, MD, MBA, doctor, and author of internationally renowned publications , referring to Hilbi’s project. “It is fantastic what the team working on Hilbi wants to achieve. It is not enough to make a diagnosis based only on a list of symptoms. Important factors are genetic and geographical factors connected to patients ́ lifestyle. This technology records all of these factors and helps to diagnose patients faster and more accurately,” he continued.
The project is in its early testing phase and was developed by a team of IT professionals from 01People,, and academic members of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava.
Other shareholders will have the opportunity to join the structure registering at Early bird investments on , soon.
Patrik Kmeč, Hilbi Foundation / 01People: “It is in everyone’ s interest to quicken the healing process, and that is amazing. The feedback we got from specialists, pharmaceutical companies and other startups at the Future of Health Summit 2019 proves that they do not regard us as their competition. Moreover, they want to cooperate with us. Our ambition is to create know-how based on technology and experience, so that medical AI can become reality not only in specialized medical centers.”
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