Home / Gaming News & Opinions / PlayStation ‘Exclusive’ Death Stranding is Coming to PC Summer 2020

PlayStation ‘Exclusive’ Death Stranding is Coming to PC Summer 2020

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William White
Last Updated
  • Hideo Kojima’s widely anticipated ‘Death Stranding’ was commonly mistaken as a PlayStation exclusive.
  • The game is also coming to PC in ‘early summer of 2020’, Kojima revealed today.
  • The move might affect sales of both copies of its release on PlayStation and the console itself.

Death Stranding is coming to the PC, but it won’t be until after it hits the PlayStation 4 .

PC gamers that want to try their hand at Hideo Kojima’s next big game will be able to in 2020. An exact release date has yet to be announced. What we do know is a release window. The plan is to have the game come out on PC early in the summer of next year.

Please Don’t Be an Epic Store Exclusive

It’s also still unclear where gamers will be able to pick up the PC version of Death Stranding. A Steam release seems likely, but there’s also the possibility that it could come to the Epic Store as well. That could also spell trouble for some fans if it ends up being a timed exclusive for Epic, as other games have done.

Reactions on Twitter are mostly positive, but there are those that are upset by the release. That includes some gamers calling it out for no longer being a PlayStation 4 exclusive. That may seem strange, but it’s something I’ve already talked about before.

Some Gamers Upset By Death Stranding PC News

While it is true that Death Stranding is no longer a PlayStation 4 exclusive, that doesn’t mean it’s coming to other consoles. There’s still no word on if a port to the Xbox One is happening. It’s also incredibly unlikely that the game will ever make its way over to the Nintendo Switch.

PlayStation 4 owners also still have the advantage of getting to play the game before PC gamers. It comes to the console on Nov. 8, 2019, and Kojima is preparing the final launch trailer. That means anyone holding out for the PC release may have to jump through hoops to avoid spoilers.

No matter where they buy the game here’s hoping Death Stranding will be another monumental experience for fans of director Hideo Kojima.

William White

William White comes from Southeast Ohio and is a graduate of Washington State Community College. He's been writing professionally for over 10 years and his current focus is on the gaming industry.
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