By In what may be considered a tacit admission of guilt, Craig Wright’s attorneys have requested that “exhibit A,” an e-mail that was proven to be fake, be withdrawn from evidence in a lawsuit filed against Wright by Dave Kleiman’s estate.
After Wright submitted the e-mail, a Reddit GPG expert announced that he could prove the e-mail was fake. reported this Wednesday night, and today court documents reveal that Wright has requested to strike the e-mail from evidence.
His reasoning? He “cannot verify the date of the e-mail exchange.”
The withdrawal is a long way from admitting that he submitted a piece of false evidence, but now the plaintiffs have the opportunity to fight to keep the document in the record. Wright’s current goal in the Kleiman lawsuit is to get it thrown out by forcing the Florida court system to admit it has no jurisdiction over the matter.
This reporter is not a lawyer, but some cursory research reveals that it may be a third-degree felony to submit false documents to a Florida court. If the plaintiffs push the issue, and Wright fails to find someone to verify the papers in his favor (over and above the numerous verifications to the contrary), Wright could be in serious trouble.
In Florida, a third-degree felony can carry up to five years in state prison. Florida prisons don’t have a reputation for being “easy,” either. All of this is to say that Wright could theoretically beat the lawsuit and never pay the Kleiman estate a dime, but he could still be in deep trouble as a result of submitting a fake e-mail to a Florida court.
Note: we’re not saying Wright is guilty of perjury or submitting false evidence. We aren’t lawyers or officers of the court, so it’s not our duty to determine whether he should be charged or not. This is also the reason we used the word “allegedly” in our previous report on these hi-jinks.
Besides the veracity of the e-mail’s date, another problem with the alleged e-mail from Dave Kleiman is that he would have had to spell his name wrong. This would be extraordinarily rare for anyone, least of all an intellectual who was capable of computer programming and systems engineering. The lack of other typos in the e-mail only deepens suspicions based on this alone.
Wright has repeatedly been called a “fraud” by industry players, and he is currently engaged in lawsuits which he believes will not only stop the name-calling but also allow him to prove his identity as Satoshi Nakamoto in a court of law. His mission to unmask the identity of an anonymous Twitter user who made it his personal mission to expose Wright cost Bitcoin SV listings on Kraken, ShapeShift, and Binance recently.