Home / Capital & Crypto / Bernie Fan Sniffs Out Bitcoin Cash Stash, Hilariously Exposes Wallet Key

Bernie Fan Sniffs Out Bitcoin Cash Stash, Hilariously Exposes Wallet Key

Last Updated March 4, 2021 2:33 PM
Greg Thomson
Last Updated March 4, 2021 2:33 PM

By CCN.com: A Bernie Sanders voter found a stash of hidden Bitcoin Cash (BCH) – and almost gave it away immediately.

No, they didn’t turn up at the local donation center only to find that it was closed. Rather, as apparent newbies to the cryptocurrency game, they did the one thing you should never do – they selfied the paper wallet’s QR code and uploaded it to Twitter.

Bitcoin Cash Treasure Hunt: Coming to a Town Near You

bitcoin cash
Three of the crypto wallets were found, while one is still hidden. If you’re anywhere near San Jacinto College South in Houston today, keep your eyes open. | Source: Shutterstock

A generous Redditor appeared on the Bitcoin Cash subreddit  on Monday night claiming to have hidden four stashes of BCH around the Houston/Galveston area.

Each of the paper wallets contained mnemonic phrase words and a QR code linked to 0.025 BCH – roughly $10. Described in the post  as a:

“…very tiny blue box, with paper inside that has a mnemonic phrase that gives you access to BCH. You can see them on https://findbitcoin.cash. 

The public addresses are as follows:




qr7aj2903ade5sr0s7rm5euttdl8z220ay82s9nemj …”

The clues related to local landmarks around the Houston and Galveston area, for example:

“Houston, we have a problem.” This private key resides near two jets at the entrance of a popular tourist attraction. General location hint: Nassau Bay.”

Three of the crypto wallets were found, while one is still hidden. If you’re anywhere near San Jacinto College South in Houston today, keep your eyes open.

As the treasure hunt got under way, more charitable Bitcoin Cash holders threw in a few bucks. By the end of the night, the wallets contained anywhere between $19 and $27.

One of the first people to stumble on the bounty was apparently completely naive to the ways of cryptocurrency. That was evidenced when they immediately exposed their QR code to the Twitterverse.

Never Put a Bernie Sanders Voter in Charge of the Money Pot

Twitter user and Bernie Sanders fan @Mondiablue, otherwise known as Mondia #Bernie2020, found one of the wallets near the Pleasure Pier in Galveston. Luckily, when they photographed their QR code and uploaded it to Twitter, it was blurry enough that no one could steal it. But it was close.

Helped by some light directions by the person who started the treasure hunt, @Mondiablue managed to download a Bitcoin Cash wallet app and transfer the funds. They seemed impressed by the crypto treasure hunt, tweeting to @pokkst:

But not before some trouble threatened to flare up. When @pokkst accidentally got one of the locations wrong, @Mondiablue wasn’t too happy about the extra work they were forced to put in.



All’s Well That Ends Well

All jokes aside: In the end, three lucky people found some free BCH and perhaps got introduced to cryptocurrency in an interesting way. One thing to note for the crypto cynics is how easily the users got set up with wallets. They were ready to start spending their cryptocurrency in minutes – surely a healthy sign for the prospect of future adoption.

When moving the BCH, @Mondiablue spent just $0.00079488 on fees, or 1.01 satoshi. The original poster intends to plant another batch of wallets tonight. Keep an eye on FindBitcoin.Cash  for a chance to find them.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in the article are solely those of the author and do not represent those of, nor should they be attributed to, CCN.com.